Sunday, 14 September 2008

Its sunday

Its Sunday ^^ not much thing to do other then going to cyber and play game,surf net and do my blog...
Damn sienz since i sleep in the morning till night time. After that go cyber to play some game (DOTA) play till morning like 7 or 8 am like that and then sleep again. Then i be continue the cycle hahaha.
Even during the weekend is the same.... sleep at 3 am or 4 am then wake up go to class at 10 *luckly all my class is at 10 am* then after class either go cyber play 1 or 2 game then go back 2 my room to sleep a while. Later on will wake up around 10 pm or 12 am, then i off to cyber again hahahah play till 4 am.
Now i been seeing virgil and ying2 a lot at cyber they usually come around midnight to play dota AI


Devil Vergil's Blogs said...

my name is VERGIL lerr...
so sad you spell salah my name...

hideki1987 said...

Ops my bad